Threads: The Last Step Towards Meta Hegemony

At the time you are reading this article, Meta’s threads already have crossed 100 million subscribers but why is this a big issue or the most prominent question is is threads gonna be another Twitter or is it here to stay?
Threads: The Last Step Towards Meta Hegemony
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2 min read

“If you are not paying for the product you are the product ” - Tristan Harris

On 6th of July we woke up in a messy world where we are unable to decide to give one more social media app a chance to ruin our life or not ! But that’s not the question we are trying to solve today because we already know what happened next !

At the time you are reading this article, Meta’s threads already have crossed 100 million subscribers but why is this a big issue or the most prominent question is is threads gonna be another Twitter or is it here to stay? 

There is no simple explanation to that but if anyone can beat Elon Musk's twitter it’s gonna be meta because of its user base consisting of billions of people . But are we really gonna put our faith in the same company that has a very shady past in terms of protecting your private data. There is already a monopoly of meta on social networking apps because all major social media apps belong to meta. Our daily driver WhatsApp, our parents' favourite Facebook, our place to hangout Instagram all belong to the same company META ! And we all know what happened when they take over WhatsApp, we all know how our Facebook data has been compromised several times so how we can trust meta with their new app threads actually we cannot and we have already agreed to sharing our very precious personal data to them when you install thread you agreed to all their terms and conditions, it  is not taking your personal information but also your physical ones ! 

Meta had a shady past, we got it but why does it matter ? It matter because threads belongs to same company the same company that is selling blue ticks to anyone these days,  the same company who sells your data to many countries to make profit, sell your data to manipulate you this company can go to any lengths to make money and now you can’t even uninstall it without deleting your Instagram account isn’t it seems very sketchy? How can the same company who created these really big apps , make such mistakes? And now we are stuck in it just because of our FOMO ( fear of missing out)

Now you decide whether you like to be their product or not because at the end of the day it is your data that is being sold ! 

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