Actor and BJP MP Kangana Ranaut on Wednesday said she was rebuked by the party leadership for her derogatory remarks on the farmers' protests over the now-scrapped farm reform laws. In an interview with India Today, Ranaut said she would be more careful with her choice of words in the future.
"I was reprimanded by the party leadership and that's fine with me. I do not think I am the final voice of the party. I am not that crazy or stupid to believe that," she said.
The 'Queen' actor, however, underscored that her intention might not have come across what it was meant to be.
"I do have a long way to go. I believe that if I have genuinely hurt the party's cause and its position or policy, there is nobody who could be more hurt than me," Ranaut said.
The MP from Himachal Pradesh's Mandi stoked a controversy recently by suggesting that the farmers' protests could have led to a Bangladesh-like crisis in the country if the leadership was not strong enough.
She also alleged that "bodies were hanging" and "rapes" were taking place during the protests, inviting sharp criticism from the opposition even as the BJP distanced itself from her remarks. She also alleged the involvement of China and the US in the "conspiracy".
The BJP denounced her remarks on the farmers' agitation and categorically stated that she was neither permitted nor authorised to comment on the party's policy matters.
The outspoken BJP leader, who joined the party ahead of the Lok Sabha polls earlier this year, said she would be more careful with her words.
"I am looking forward to being more careful with my words and aligning to the party's policies. Because for the BJP, hum rahe ya na rahe, Bharat rehna chahiye (the country is more important than an individual)," the National Award-winning actor said.