Passengers travelling in a bus in Delhi were in for a shock as a woman wearing a bikini boarded the crowded vehicle. A 12-second video of the scenario went viral on social media and has left the internet absolutely furious.
In the video that was recorded by one of the passengers, the woman wearing a bikini boarded the bus and was seen standing near the door. Irked by her presence, another female passenger who was standing near her, walked away.
Subsequently, another passenger left his seat and distanced himself from the woman after she seemingly made an obscene gesture towards him.
As the video went viral on X (formerly Twitter), social media users lashed out at the woman for her inappropriate behaviour. “Instead of recording the video, passengers should have thrown her out of the bus,” a user said.
“I am sick of this. No civic sense,” another comment reads.
“Unfortunate to draw social media fame. Haven’t seen this even abroad in local buses or trains. We’re a very confused society in need to prove our strength/identity/attention call it whatever. Empowerment done wrong.''
Several others tagged Delhi Police and asked officials to take action against the woman. Authorities are yet to respond to the viral video.
India Today, however, cannot verify the location and date on which the video was recorded.