The Enforcement Directorate on Thursday told the court that Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal, a diabetic, was consuming mangoes, aloo puri, and sweets daily to raise his blood sugar level and make ground for medical bail. The ED made the claim while the court was hearing the plea of Kejriwal, who has been arrested in connection with the Delhi liquor policy case, seeking doctor consultation.
The court asked the Tihar Jail authorities to submit a report of the diet being consumed by Arvind Kejriwal. The court also asked Kejriwal's lawyer to submit details of the diet prescribed to the AAP supremo, who has type 2 diabetes.
During the hearing, the ED claimed that Kejriwal, who has been allowed to have home-cooked meals, was consuming food with high sugar content to make a case for bail on medical grounds.
"See what he (Kejriwal) is having... aloo puri, mango... maybe he has no control. I haven't heard of a type 2 diabetes person consuming all this," the counsel representing the probe agency said.