Tata Power, one of the largest integrated power companies in India, is all set to invest its 40% stake in Bhutan’s hydropower plant project worth Rs 830 crore. The company will join as part of its plan to maximize its green energy portfolio. Although the big energy project required a capacity of about 600 MW with an investment of Rs 6,900 crore, Once all the necessities are completed, the Khorlochhu Hydro Power Plant will serve as a part of Tata Power.
However, Tata Power will collaborate with Druk Green Power in order to manufacture a 600 MW station. The power company also stated that this project will help Tata Power accelerate its clean and green energy transformations. Meanwhile, the power plant company will suspend its GDS (Global Depository Shares) in Luxembourg stock in order to exchange for no such activities in the past years. In 1994, the company produced its GDS and nominated Citibank as the absolute depository for this program.
Since then, it could be seen that for a few years no such activity has been implemented, which indirectly will elucidate the company’s financial reporting necessities and deduction in administrative costs. Some necessary steps would be taken by the company to ensure the termination of its GDS program on the Luxembourg stock exchange.
Moreover, Tata Power saw a rise of about 4% in the fiscal quarter of the financial year 2025 and generated a profit of Rs 1,189 crore and about a 12% increase in revenue generation in the same period of Rs 16,810 crore.