Do you charge your phones at public places? Beware of new USB charger scam

The government has issued a warning to citizens about the increasing risk of the USB charger scam, urging them to exercise caution when charging their devices in public places. The scam involves cybercriminals compromising public USB charging ports to steal sensitive data or install malware onto the connected devices.
Do you charge your phones at public places? Beware of new USB charger scam
Anjali Raj / Jaano Junction

The government has issued a stern warning to citizens regarding the USB charger scam. They advise people to be cautious and avoid using public charging portals at commonly frequented places like airports, cafes, hotels, and bus stands. The warning aims to raise awareness about the significant risk posed by this scam and urges individuals to exercise vigilance while charging their devices on the go..

So what exactly is the USB charger scam?

The USB scam, also known as the USB charger scam, is a deceptive tactic used by cybercriminals to compromise public charging ports, such as those found in airports, cafes, hotels, and bus stands. In this scam, criminals manipulate USB charging ports through a technique called "juice-jacking." When unsuspecting individuals plug their devices into these compromised ports to charge them, cybercriminals can steal sensitive user data or install malware onto the connected devices. This puts individuals at risk of data theft, malware infection, or even device hijacking for ransom demands.

How to stay safe from USB charger scam

--Whenever possible, use traditional electrical wall outlets to charge your devices. If you're out and about and need to charge your phone, consider carrying your own charger or a portable power bank. By avoiding public USB charging stations, you reduce the risk of falling victim to the scam.

--Implement security measures on your device, such as setting a PIN or password. This prevents unauthorized access to your device and helps protect your data. Additionally, avoid connecting your device to unknown or untrusted devices. Only pair with devices you trust to minimize the risk of cyber attacks.

-- Stay vigilant while charging your device in public places. If you notice anything suspicious, such as unusual behavior from the charging port or unexpected prompts on your device, stop using the charging station immediately. Report any incidents of cyber fraud or suspicious activity to the appropriate authorities promptly. You can visit the official website for cybercrime reporting or contact the authorities at the provided hotline number (1930 in this case).

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Do you charge your phones at public places? Beware of new USB charger scam

By following these proactive measures, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to the USB charger scam. Remember to prioritize your cybersecurity and remain cautious when charging your devices in public locations.

Source: India Today

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