Dipika Kakar, who is known for her performance on the TV show Sasural Simar Ka, has quit acting. As per a report by Telly Chakkar, the actress has decided to leave showbiz and dedicate all her attention to her family and to-be-born child. Earlier this year, Dipika and her husband, actor Shoaib Ibrahim, announced that they are expecting their first child. According to the publication, Dipika Kakar said in a recent interview that she was done with her acting career and wanted to quit the field. The actress was quoted as saying, “I am enjoying this phase of pregnancy and welcoming our first child. The excitement is on another level. I started working at a very young age and continued for about 10 – 15 years at a stretch. As my pregnancy journey began, I told Shoaib that I don’t want to work and want to quit acting. I want to live a life as a housewife and mother."
Dipika Kakar was last seen in Star Plus’s Kahaan Hum Kahaan Tum opposite Karan Grover in 2020. She played the role of actress Sonakshi Rastogi. Prior to that, the actress participated in and won the reality TV show Bigg Boss 12. She was also part of dance reality shows like Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 8 and Nach Baliye 8 along with Shoaib. Before making it big as Simar on the small screen, she made her television debut in 2010 as Lakshmi in Neer Bhare Tere Naina Devi and also appeared as Rekha in Agle Janam Mohe Bitiya Hi Kijo.
Dipika Kakar met her husband Shoaib Ibrahim on the sets of Sasural Simar Ka, and the two eventually got married in 2018. In January of this year, the couple announced that they were expecting their first child. They took to Instagram to share the happy news. The caption read, “Sharing this news with you all with our hearts full of gratitude, happiness, excitement, and also nervousness. Humari life ka ye sabse khoobsurat phase hai (the most beautiful phase of our lives). Yessss, we are expecting our first child! Going to embrace parenthood soon. Aapki dher saari duaon aur pyaar ki zaroorat hai (We need a lot of your prayers and love) for our little one."