SADDA HAQ - Letter To My MP: This Election, Join The Citizens' Revolution

Join the Citizen revolution by DEMANDING WHAT YOU REALLY WANT from your current Members of the Parliament and contesting candidates.
SADDA HAQ - Letter To My MP: This Election, Join The Citizens' Revolution

As we gear up for the upcoming General Assembly Elections, the pulse of democracy beats stronger than ever across the nation. It's a time when the collective voice of the people finds resonance in the corridors of power, a time when promises are made, and responsibilities entrusted. At Jaano Junction, we believe in the power of citizen engagement and the pivotal role it plays in shaping the destiny of our nation. With this conviction, we are thrilled to launch our latest campaign: "Sadda Haq – Letter To My MP".

The "Letter To My MP" campaign is not just another initiative; it's a platform for every citizen to articulate their hopes, dreams, concerns, and expectations directly to their elected representatives and even contesting candidates. It's a call to action for civic participation, where each letter becomes a catalyst for change, a beacon of democracy illuminating the path towards a better future.

Why letters, you may ask?

Through the "Letter To My MP" campaign, we aim to bridge the gap between citizens and MPs of concern. Whether you reside in the bustling metropolis of Mumbai, on the holy banks of Ganga in Patna or the serene countryside of Kerala, your voice matters, and your concerns deserve to be heard. By writing a letter to your MP, you not only hold them accountable but also empower them with the insights and perspectives necessary to truly represent your interests.

To kickstart this campaign, we invite you to join us in writing your own "Letter To My MP". Share your thoughts, your concerns, your hopes for the future. Let your voice be heard, not just as an individual, but as an integral part of our vibrant democracy. And rest assured, your letter will not fall on deaf ears.

How To Participate?

  1. Visit

  2. Give your article/write-up a powerful title in 'Story Title' section. (Followed by " - Letter To My MP")

    For example, "This Is What Patna Sahib MP Must Learn Before Contesting Again - Letter To My MP"

  3. Enter your write-up in 'Story Content' section.

    You can also insert links, hyperlinks, screenshots or images and embed videos from YouTube to make your write-up strong, legitimate and authentic.

  4. Then fill in your information in the following sections such as Name, Email and Phone Number.

  5. Add a bio about yourself in the 'Profile' section.

    Keep it short, crisp and interesting. This will be visible on your author profile page upon publishing your first article.

  6. Submit.

Once you have submitted, your letter/article now comes to our team for review. In the review process, our editors will go through your submissions to check if they follow our content policy.

Demand Sadda Haq!
Whether you wish to highlight pressing issues like healthcare, education, or infrastructure, or simply share your personal story and perspective, your letter has the power to spark meaningful change.

This campaign is more than just a platform for airing grievances or demanding action. It's an opportunity to celebrate the diversity of our democracy, to showcase the myriad experiences and aspirations that define us as a nation.

In the coming weeks, we will feature select best articulated letters and will be publishing on our platform in Citizen Junction column, amplifying the voices of our readers and fostering a dialogue that transcends party lines and political affiliations. Together, let us reaffirm the principles of democracy, the principles of accountability, and the principles of civic engagement that form the bedrock of our nation.

So unlock your keyboards, and join us in shaping the future of our nation, one letter at a time. Together, let's make democracy truly by the people, for the people.

Stay connected to Jaano Junction on Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and Koo. Listen to our Podcast on Spotify or Apple Podcasts.

Jaano Junction