A vacation bench of the Supreme Court on Tuesday sent Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal's bail extension plea to Chief Justice of India DY Chandrachud for further direction on the petition's listing for hearing. The Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) supremo has sought a seven-day extension to his interim bail, which is set to expire on June 1, on medical grounds.
On May 10, the Supreme Court ordered the release of Kejriwal, who was arrested by the Enforcement Directorate on March 21 in connection to the liquor policy case, after it approved his interim bail plea in order to campaign for the Lok Sabha polls.
Senior lawyer Abhishek Manu Singhvi, appearing on behalf of Kejriwal, told the court today to list the bail extension plea for the hearing on Wednesday, saying that "this is the Delhi Chief Minister's matter... I only need a seven-day extension".
"This (plea) has been heard and reserved... Let this be placed before the Chief Justice and let him take a call. We will place it before the Chief Justice," the bench, led by Justice JK Maheshwari, said.
Singhvi also said that the plea was moved after doctors conducted medical tests of the AAP chief.
When the bench asked why this was not mentioned when the Supreme Court approved Kejriwal's interim bail, his lawyer said, "Some medical tests were conducted a report was placed. That's why it took some time in filing the bail extension plea for only seven days."