Summer Fields School in South Delhi's Kailash Colony received a bomb threat through email on Friday. However, after investigation, it was revealed that it was a hoax. The police have identified a 14-year-old boy as the suspect.
During questioning, he told the police that he sent the email because he didn't want to go to school.
In the mail, he mentioned two other schools to make the threat seem genuine.
On Friday, soon after receiving the email, the students from the Summer Fields School in Delhi were evacuated to safety.
According to the details, the email was received at 12.30 a.m. on Friday. However, the authorities noticed the email only after the school opened this morning.
Speaking about the email, Shalini Agarwal, the school principal, said the students were evacuated within 10 minutes after the authorities saw the email. She also said the school premises were being checked by the bomb squad.
"We received an email late at night that was checked early this morning.. As per the SOP, we evacuated the students within 10 minutes of receiving the email. We informed the police and district administration, and we are thankful to the police; they supported us magnificently as they came immediately," she told reporters.