India is set to celebrate its 75th Republic Day on January 26, 2024 to commemorate the adoption of the Constitution of India. To celebrate the day, a parade show is organised on New Delhi’s Rajpath (now known as Kartavya Path) every year. The Republic Day parade this year is scheduled to start from 10:30 am from Vijay Chowk to Kartavya Path.
French President Emmanuel Macron will be the Chief Guest of this year’s parade. Notably, the R-Day parade not only showcases its military prowess but also presents informative tableaus based on different states.
The Republic Day parade tickets are priced between Rs 500 (reserved tickets), Rs 200 and Rs 20 based on the seating. The tickets are open for booking from January 10.
Reserved: Rs 500 (Front Rows)
Unreserved: Rs 100 (Middle Rows)
Unreserved: Rs 20 (Back seats with limited views)
Tickets are not required for children below the age of 5 years.
You can buy offline Republic Day tickets from the Delhi Tourism Development Corporation (DTDC) counters, India Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC) Travel counters, and Departmental Sale counters within Delhi. Furthermore, you can also buy tickets from booths at Sena Bhawan, Pragati Maidan, Jantar Mantar, Shastri Bhawan, the Parliament House Reception Office, and the Government of India Tourist Office at Janpath.
Keep in mind that the Government of India Tourist Office is closed on Sundays and Parliament House Reception Office is closed on weekends and holidays.
To buy the tickets you will be asked to fill out a form with your details. You will also be asked to furnish an identity card and give a photocopy of the identity card, so make sure to carry them with you.