Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday shared pictures of him trying out snorkeling in Lakshadweep and added that early morning walks along its pristine beaches were "moments of pure bliss". During his visit to Lakshadweep, the Prime Minister inaugurated development projects worth more than Rs 1,150 crore.
After coming back from the trip, PM Modi shared pictures of the archipelago and said Lakshadweep's tranquility gave him an opportunity to reflect on "how to work even harder for the welfare of 140 crore Indians".
He highlighted various activities that he undertook during his trip. "During my stay, I also tried snorkeling - what an exhilarating experience it was!" wrote the Prime Minister on X.
"For those who wish to embrace the adventurer in them, Lakshadweep has to be on your list," added PM Modi.
The Prime Minister also shared pictures which were taken underwater which show the reefs and marine life which he got to see when he went snorkeling.
PM Modi said he took early morning walks "along the pristine beaches" which proved to be "moments of pure bliss".
The Prime Minister said he interacted with the residents of Agatti, Bangaram and Kavaratti and thanked them for their hospitality. He added that his journey to Lakshadweep was an "enriching journey of learning and growing".
"Lakshadweep is not just a group of islands; it's a timeless legacy of traditions and a testament to the spirit of its people," added PM Modi.
He said the central government's focus in Lakshadweep is to uplift lives through enhanced development, create opportunities for better healthcare, faster internet and drinking water, while protecting as well celebrating the vibrant local culture. The projects that he inaugurated reflect this spirit, said PM Modi.