In a bold move, the Uttar Pradesh government has announced a waiver on registration charges for strong hybrid and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. The amendment comes with a small tweak in the state's existing policy, which will be in place till October 2025. This will allow buyers to get their hybrid vehicles registered without paying the hefty road taxes. Resultantly, models like the Toyota Innova Hycross, Toyota Urban Cruiser Hyryder, Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara, Maruti Suzuki Invicto, and Honda City now boast of a reduced on-road price. Well, read on to find out how much you'll have to pay to get one of these cars home.
Toyota Innova Hycross & Maruti Suzuki Invicto
The Innova Hycross's top-spec hybrid variant - ZX(O), is priced at ₹ 30.98 lakh (Ex-showroom Noida). Earlier, it attracted a registration cost of ₹ 3.12 lakh, which will now be waived off under this new scheme. The buyers will only have to pay for insurance and other fees. For the Invicto, the top-spec trim is priced at ₹ 29.01 lakh (Ex-showroom Noida), which further attracted a registration charge of ₹ 3.02 lakh.
Honda City Hybrid
Prices for the Honda City hybrid start from ₹ 19 lakh and go up to ₹ 20.55 lakh, ex-showroom Noida. The on-road price included a registration charge of up to ₹ 2.17 lakh, excluding insurance and other miscellaneous costs. With the tax being waived off, the on-road price of the Honda City will see a huge difference in its on-road price.
Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara & Toyota Urban Cruiser Hyryder
Another set of mechanical twins that will enjoy this tax relaxation are the Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara and Toyota Urban Cruiser Hyryder. Prices of the Grand Vitara strong hybrid start from ₹ 18.33 lakh, ex-showroom Noida. Before the tax waiver, the respective variant's on-road price included a registration cost of nearly ₹ 2 lakh. With the new norms in place, the Grand Vitara and Hyryder will enjoy this as a benefit in their on-road prices.
Petrol Vs Hybrid On-Road Prices
If we compare the on-road prices of the top-spec petrol and hybrid variants of the Honda City, Maruti Suzuki Grand Vitara, and Toyota Urban Cruiser Hyryder; the difference is now marginal. For reference, the top-spec petrol-automatic trim of Honda City has an average on-road price of ₹ 19.06 lakh in Noida. Its hybrid counterpart, on the other hand, now has an average on-road price of ₹ 21 lakh, while the entry-level 'V' trims will cost around ₹ 19.50 lakh, on-road Noida. Well, in all possible circumstances, the waiver makes for a great time to buy a hybrid vehicle now, for car buyers in UP.