The 12-year-old boy from Bengaluru, Parinav, who was missing since Sunday, has finally been found in Hyderabad’s Nampally metro station and his family is en route to get him back home.
Sharing a video message, Parinav’s mother said that her son — found in Hyderbad’s Nampally metro station — is safe. With folded hands, she thanked everyone “for their support” and said that they are going to get him back from there.
The boy was last seen in CCTV footage near Bengaluru’s Majestic bus station around 4:30 pm on January 21. Since then, his father — Sukesh — had been responding to every single phone call, SMS, or mail that came on his phone in the hope to find Parinav.
Parinav, who has a craze for pens and was often gifted expensive ones by his uncle, was seen trying to sell a Parker pen that he owns, his father said.
Speaking to News18, Sukesh had said, “On Sunday, he was spotted behind the BMTC bus stop using the public toilet there. Later, after using the washroom, he tried to sell his Parker pen, which is costly, to a person for Rs 50 as he had no money with him. He is trying to survive by selling his belongings. We hope we can get him back home soon.”
The boy had attended his coaching classes wearing a yellow t-shirt and navy blue pants, and carrying a dark-coloured school bag that had ‘Allen’ written on it.
A conductor of the bus that Parinav boarded from near his coaching centre identified the boy and confirmed that he got off near the Marathahalli market. Police were told that the 12-year-old got down because he didn’t have enough money for a ticket beyond that point.
Police had formed three teams and with the help of the CCTV cameras installed across the city, 24×7 surveillance was in place to find Parinav.
The Whitefield police station had registered a case under Indian Penal Code (IPC) section 363 (punishment for kidnapping) at the time.