Women will be stoned to death in public for adultery, announces Taliban chief

After restricting the education of girls, the Taliban in Afghanistan have issued a warning to women about adultery. In an audio message, Taliban supremo Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada said that women would be flogged in public and stoned to death for adultery.
Women will be stoned to death in public for adultery, announces Taliban chief
Anjali Raj/ Jaano Junction

The worst fears that the Taliban might take Afghanistan back to the dark ages might be coming true. Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada, the Taliban supremo, announced in a voice message on state television that women in Afghanistan would be publicly flogged and stoned to death for adultery.

In his message, Akhundzada stated that women’s rights supported by the international community conflicted with the Taliban's strict interpretation of Islamic Sharia law.

“Do women want the rights that Westerners are talking about? They are against Sharia and clerics’ opinions, the clerics who toppled Western democracy,” the head of the Taliban in Afghanistan said.

“I told the Mujahedin that we tell the Westerners that we fought against you for 20 years and we will fight 20 and even more years against you. It did not finish [when you left]. It does not mean we would now just sit and drink tea. We will bring Sharia to this land. It did finish after we took over Kabul. No, we will now bring Sharia into action,” the Telegraph reported, quoting Akhundzada.

"You say it’s a violation of women’s rights when we stone them to death. But we will soon implement the punishment for adultery. We will flog women in public. We will stone them to death in public," Akhundzada boldly spoke to Western officials, in a voice message aired on state television over the weekend.

He said this shows their dedication to Islamic law, ignoring Western ideas about women's rights, according to the Telegraph.

After coming into power in 2021, Taliban carried out revenge attacks against those who worked with the Americans or the government.

The women had to wear the all-encompassing burqa and were accompanied by a male relative whenever they went outside. The Taliban banned music, cut off the hands of thieves, and stoned adulterers.


“As a woman, I don’t feel safe and secure in Afghanistan. Each morning starts with a barrage of notices and orders imposing restrictions and stringent rules on women, stripping away even the smallest joys and extinguishing hope for a brighter future,” said former civil servant Tala.

"We, the women, are living in prison, and the Taliban are making it smaller for us every passing day," she added.

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Women will be stoned to death in public for adultery, announces Taliban chief

However, they quickly returned to harsh public punishments such as public executions and floggings, similar to those from the 1990s.

Source: India Today

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