The Kerala Police has filed a First Information Report (FIR) against Malayalam actor Siddique in connection with the sexual assault allegations by an actress. The case was registered by the Trivandrum Museum Police under the non-bailable offence of rape based on the complaint by the actress.
Last evening, the actress filed a complaint with the Special Investigation Team (SIT) constituted to probe the sexual harassment allegations in the Malayalam film industry.
Earlier, the actress was not ready to file a case against Siddique over the incident that happened eight years back in 2016. She came out with the incident before the media on Saturday, days after the senior Malayalam actor debunked the findings in the Hema Committee report.
Narrating her ordeal, the actress said that under the garb of a film discussion, Siddique called her to his room in the Mascot Hotel, where he allegedly sexually abused her. "He sexually abused me in that hotel. It was a trap. Whatever he is saying now is completely false," she said.
Meanwhile, Siddique lodged a complaint with the Director General of Police (DGP), claiming that the allegations are a vicious attempt to tarnish his image. Claiming innocence, he stated that he met the actress only once in 2016, that too in the presence of her parents.
Siddique, earlier this week, resigned from the post of General Secretary of the Association of Malayalam Movie Artists (AMMA) following the sexual assault allegations.