A property worth crores belonging to actor Rajpal Yadav in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur has been seized by the Central Bank of India over unpaid loan. The loan, worth Rs 3 crore, was taken by keeping properties in Uttar Pradesh's Shahjahanpur owned by his father, Naurang Yadav, as collateral.
Rajpal Yadav had taken a loan from the Central Bank of India's Mumbai branch at Bandra Kurla Complex. After failing to repay, the loan amount swelled to Rs 11 crore. On August 8, a team from the bank's Bandra Kurla complex branch in Mumbai arrived in Shahjahanpur and sealed the property.
The bank employees have put locks on the gate of the property, which is located in the upscale Seth Enclave area of Shahjahanpur.
Rajpal Yadav is a renowned actor with over 150 films to his credit. He has appeared in several films made in Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada, and Bengali languages.
The 'Bhool Bhulaiyaa' star, who hails from Shahjahanpur, is known for his comedy and versatile acting skills.
This isn't the first time that the 53-year-old actor has faced legal issues over unpaid loans. Previously, Yadav was jailed for failing to repay a loan taken for his film 'Ata Pata Lapata'. Rajpal Yadav was the director of the film and his wife, Radha Yadav, was the producer.
The film tonked at the box office, leading to financial losses for the actor.
In 2022, Yadav was accused of ramming his scooter into a student while he was shooting in Uttar Pradesh. The aggrieved student alleged that he was purchasing books on Bank Road when the incident happened.
The student also claimed that the officials present at the film shoot even threatened to kill him if he lodged a complaint.